BIBLE TEXT: 2 Kings 17:1-23; 25:1-12

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord (Psalm 33:12, NIV).

To help the child understand that continual disobedience to God will bring his/her downfall and that he/she should do all in his/her power to avoid going the way Israel and Judah went.

During and after the lesson, each child will show that he/she understands the lesson by:
1. Telling lessons he/she can learn from the disobedience of lsrael and Judah.
2. Committing the memory verse into the memory and recalling it correctly.
3. Correctly answering all the questions that will be asked on the lesson.

1. Israel Goes into Captivity - 2 Kings 17:1-6
2. Why Israel Went into Captivity - 2 Kings 17:7-23
3. Judah Goes into Captivity

How would you feel leaving home and going to live in a foreign country as a slave or a refugee? In our lesson this week will see how the kingdoms of Israel were, at a time in their history, taken from their land to live in far away countries after God had warned and pleaded with them for many years to stop sinning by worshipping idols.

When we look carefully at the lives of people of the past, we see the reasons for their successes and failures, and we try and avoid making the same kind of mistakes they made. In the case of the Israelites their mistake was in forgetting God and following their own sinful desires and gods of the nations around them, which actually were no gods.

1. Israel Goes into Captivity - 2 Kings 17: 1-6.
Many kings who rejected God, ruled in lsrael. Hoshea was the last of them. It was during his reign that the northern kingdom of Israel was taken into captivity.

Hoshea reigned for nine years. During his reign, he did evil and sinned against God. God allowed the king of Assyria to attack and defeat him. He was asked to pay tax or tribute and to fulfil other conditions given to him as a defeated king. He did this for some time and then stopped paying the tribute. He conspired against the king of Assyria by sending messengers to the king of Egypt. This made the king of Assyria bind him up and put him in prison.

The king of Assyria then raided the whole land of lsrael. For three years, he besieged the capital city, Samaria. In the ninth year of king Hoshea, God allowed the king of Assyria to conquer Israel. The people were taken away from their homes to live in the cities of Assyria and Media. Now they would spend their lives in a foreign country away from their own land under foreign kings.
2. Why Israel Went into Captivity - 2 Kings 17:7-23.
But why did the people of israel go into exile? The reason is that the people had sinned against God. They had stopped serving God and had begun to worship idols. God had strongly warned them that they would be taken into captivity if they continued to disobey His law. From time to time they sinned. God was very patient with them. But time and again they sinned. When they did, God would send a prophet to tell then His will. But still they would not listen. God wanted to help them, but He couldn't as long as they refused to obey Him.

The people sinned secretly an openly without caring about God's anger. They served the gods of river, stone, sun, baal, tree, and in fact, all kinds of gods. They built or set up sacred pillars and poles and wooden images on every high hill and under every green tree. They burned incense to the idols and left all the commandment of God. They went as far as sacrificing their sons and daughters to idols. They really despised God. He became angry and abandoned them to their fate.

3. Judah Goes into Captivity - 2 Kings 25:1-12.
Judah as a Nation did not learn her lesson from what happened to the nation of Israel. Judah had godly kings yet that did not stop them from going the way of the nations of Israel. They went on and practised all that they copied from Israel and other nations around them including the ones they served. God had no choice but to reject them also.

In the ninth year of the reign of King Zedekiah, the soldiers Babylon came and surrounded Jerusalem. For two years this continued until there was no more food in the city. The famine was so severe that the king, his soldiers and his officials broke through the wall and tried to escape. But the Babylonians went after the king and caught him. They killed his sons before his eyes. Then they put out his eyes, chained him, and took him to Babylon as a prisoner.

Later, Nebuchadenezzar's commander and the army of Babylon went into Jerusalem. They burned down the temple and the king's palace. They burned down all the great houses in Jerusalem and broke down the walls. Then they took the people as captive to Babylon leaving only some poor people to take care of the land.

The history of the people of Israel reminds us that we cannot take God for a ride. We cannot do as we please and expect Him to ignore it and remove the problems we caused for ourselves. Even though His love for us remains still we will face the consequences of our actions.

Many times we get into trouble because of the wrong things we do, God however, continues to love us. He will always guide us in the way best for us if we turn to Him and put our trust in Him.

Let us never allow sin to bring our downfall. For surely, disobedience still brings about God's judgement. We all are responsible individually to serve God and do what we know is right. God cannot always ignore sin. There comes a time when we must bear the consequences for the choice we make whether they have been good or bad. God does not want us to be slaves to sin. The only way to escape punishment and escape being taken captive by Satan is to listen to God and obey Him.

1. Which nation attacked and defeated the northern kingdom of Israel and took it into captivity?
(A) Moab
(B) Jericho
(C) Assyria
(D) Philistine.
2. Why did the people of Israel go into exile? Because
(A) They had stopped serving God and had begun to worship idols.
(B) They had rejected their King.
(C) They had no food to eat
(D) All of the above.

3. Which nation did God allow to take the southern nation of Judah into captivity?
(A) Egypt
(B) Samaria
(C) Babylon
(D) Amorite.

4. Nebuchadnezzar's commander and his army did the following in Jerusalem except?
(A) They burnt down the temple and the king's palace.
(B) They burned down all the great houses in Jerusalem.
(C) Broke down the walls.
(D) They worshipped God in the temple at Jerusalem.

5. What is the only way to escape punishment and escape being taken captive by Satan?
(A) Going to church regularly.
(B) To listen to God and obeying Him.
(C) Praying regularly.
(D) Reading your books and Bible regularly.

Mon: How Do We Secure Help from Captivity? - 1 Kings 8:48.
Tue: Requirement for Deliverance from Captivity - 2 Chro 30:9.
Wed: Who Delivers from Captivity? - Isa 49:24.
Thu: Why Do People Go into Captivity? - Ezk 21:24.
Fri: Why Does the Enemy Take People Captive? - John 10:10.
Sat: Who Takes People into Captivity? - 2 Tim 2:26.