Sunday, 4th June, 2023: Children's Sunday School Lesson 23.

BIBLE TEXT: Daniel Chapter 2
He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. Daniel 2:22 (NIV).

To help the child understand that God can reveal secrets to him or her as He revealed to Daniel.

During and after the lesson, each child will show that he or she understands the lesson by:
1. Retelling the story of Nebuchadnezzar and his dream.
2. Correctly answering questions on the lesson.
3. Saying one benefit he or she got from the lesson.

1. King Nebuchadnezzar Dreams a Dream - Daniel 2:1-13.
2. God Reveals the Dream to Daniel - Daniel 2:14-23.
3. Daniel Explains the Dream to the King - Daniel 2:24-49.

Have you ever had a dream that disturbed you or a dream that came true? Well, at times, God can speak to us through dreams and visions. Of course not all dreams come from God, but He may choose to give us dreams that are important messages. Many people have had different experiences with dreams.

In this week's lesson, we shall study about a very great king who had a dream of what will happen in the future. Though the king did not know the God of heaven, yet, God chose to reveal the future to him. Well, we shall also see how God Used a servant of His to tell the dream and to interpret it.

1. King Nebuchadnezzar Dreams a Dream - Daniel 2:1-13
Nebuchadnezzar was now in the second year of his reign when, one night, he had a dream. The dream troubled him so much that he could no longer sleep. He called together all the wise men of Babylon. He told them that he had a bad dream and that he wanted to know what the dream meant. The wise men asked the king to tell them his dream and they would interpret it. But the king refused to tell the dream. He said they must tell him the dream first and then its interpretation or be killed. But if anyone among them is able to tell the dream, he would be greatly rewarded. The wise men told him that he was making an impossible demand, which no king had ever made. The king became very angry and ordered that all the wise men in Babylon be killed. They looked for Daniel and his three friends to kill them also.

2. God Reveals the Dream to Daniel - Daniel 2:14-23
When Daniel heard that they were about to be killed, he wisely asked the official in charge why the king wanted them killed so urgently. The official told him. Daniel then went to see the king. He asked the king to give them a little time and they would tell him the dream and its meaning. The king agreed. Daniel and his friends went to the Lord in prayer concerning the matter. In answer to their prayers, God revealed the dream to Daniel. Then Daniel praised and blessed the name of the Lord who has all wisdom and might, who changes times and reveals hidden things. Daniel thanked Him for revealing the king's dream to them.

3. Daniel Explains the Dream to the King - Daniel 2:24-49
Daniel then went in to the king to tell him the dream and its meaning. He told the king that there is a God in heaven that reveals hidden things. The dream according to Daniel, was about things that would happen in the future. He told Nebuchadnezzar that in his dream, he saw a large image and that the image represented four empires or kingdoms that will rule the world. The head of the image, made of gold, was the kingdom of Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar's own kingdom. The chest and arms of the image were made of silver represented the kingdom of the Medes and Persia, which will come after the Babylonian empire. The belly of the image was made of brass and represented the empire of Greece that will follow that of Medes and Persia. And the legs of the image, made of iron, represented the Roman Empire that will come after Greece.

All these empires would be overthrown. The stone that the king saw in his dream that hit and destroyed the image represents the Lord Jesus Christ, who will come and destroy all the kingdoms of the world. He will become the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He will rule forever.

The king was happy. He acknowledged the God of Daniel as the is greatest. Then he gave many gifts to Daniel and made him one of the rulers in Babylon. He also promoted Daniel's three to friends to positions of honour.

We must pray daily if we are to hear from God and be at our best for God. We do not have power in ourselves to do anything. But as we keep in touch with God through prayer and Bible reading, we know His will and remain strong in Him.

God can reveal secrets to us if He chooses to do so and if it will bring glory to Him. God does not want us to become proud when He uses us to do something, important. us for something. Daniel gave the glory to God. We should always give God the glory whenever He uses us for something. The decision lies in His hand. But we could ask Him as Daniel and his friends asked.

1. Why did the King want to kill all the wise men of Babylon? Because _______
(A)They lied to the King.
(B) They had the same dream.
(C) They had no dream.
(D) They could not interpret the King's dream.

2. Why did the King not kill the wise men of Babylon Again? Because ________
(A) They ran away.
(B) The King died.
(C) Daniel and his friends interpreted the King's dream.

3. How did God give them the answer?
(A) In answer to their prayer, God revealed the dream to Daniel.
(B) In answer to their prayer, God warned them in the dream.
(C) In answer to their Prayer, God removed the King.
(D) Nobody could interpret the dream of the King.

READ ALSO>>>Children's Sunday School Lesson 20: Sunday, 21st May, 2023.

Monday: What Is Your Dream? - Gen 37:5-9.
Tuesday: Sorrow of Unsolved Problems 1 - Gen 40:5-22.
Wednesday: Sorrow of Unsolved Problems 2 - Gen 41:1-8.
Thursday: Person of Solution - Gen 41:12-44.
Friday: God Reveals Solutions - Dan 2:19.
Saturday: Be Wise and Stand out - Dan 6:21-23.

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